
Friday, March 20, 2015

I'm stressed...I'm anxious...and I CAN'T SLEEP!

Welcome back!  Remember that lavender I talked about in blog post number one?  The lavender that sat on my bathroom counter for ages before I built up the courage to use it?  Well I'm prepared to share with you how using Essential Oils (for myself) all began!

One night I decided I was going to give this lavender stuff a try, what could it hurt right?  So I put several drops in my bath water (I'm an avid bath taker).  HOLY. MOLY.  I sank down into the bath water and breathed in the amazing lavender scent.  I did this every night for a week and I'll tell you this:  The one night I DIDN'T use lavender in my bath, I just couldn't relax.  I find that the lavender helps to calm the stress of the day and really promotes relaxation.  I later learned that my lavender would go further and work even better if I put a few drops into a handful of Epsom salt THEN add to my bath.  Ever heard the expression "oil and water don't mix"?  Well, its true - the oil would just kind of sit on the top of the water.  The Epsom salt absorbs the EO and then dissolves in the water... therefore no oils floating on the top!

I suffer from major anxiety and stress, because of this I have a terrible time falling asleep.  As soon as my head hits the pillow it's like I'm suddenly wide awake and can't turn my mind off!  I stare at the clock and stress over another lost hour of sleep.  I stress about work, home, my child, my pets... probably normal stuff, but I tend to over-think things which results in over-stressing as well.  So now I'm relaxed... but wide awake.  Which sucks.

I did some research and came across a few different oils that aid in stress relief.  I immediately ordered Cinnamon Bark EO and Ginger EO as suggested - as soon as they arrived I diffused them at bedtime.  *Note* Ginger EO is not the best smelling oil in my opinion... so I use 2-3 drops Cinnamon oil and 1-2 drops of Ginger.  I'm not joking you when I say that this worked IMMEDIATELY!  The trick is to breathe in deep and exhale... I do this a few times and before you know it I'm fast asleep - honestly! And wouldn't you know,  the nights I was too lazy to put my oil mixture together I can't shut my brain off.  This combination immediately relieves stress and I force myself to think about breathing and the amazing smells instead of the work or whatever else is bothering me. I've found that I wake less often throughout the night and feel well rested the following morning!

I also learned that Cedarwood EO promotes sleep - its been ordered and as soon as I give it a try I will post an update! I plan to do a sleep test and document the following:

- nights with/without Lavender bath
- nights with/without Cinnamon/Ginger
- nights with/without Cedarwood

I'll use the sleep-tracker app (that my friend Chelsea introduced me to) to determine how quickly I fell asleep and how often I wake through the night.  I can't wait to give this a try and share the results with you!  Stay tuned!

Have trouble winding down for the day?  Have trouble falling asleep because your mind wont shut off? Follow the link below to order from Young Living. If you've thought about giving Essential Oils a try, the Premium Started Kit is the best bang for your buck! By becoming a wholesaler through Young Living you get discounted products and there are NO monthly/annual purchase requirements. Please let me know what questions you have!! REFERENCE MEMBER & SPONSOR ID: 2260821

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Talking Dirty: Molluscum

Hello again friends!

Lets talk something super disgusting and frankly, embarrassing. Molluscum. Ew... even the name is gross. If you haven't experienced this before - congratulations, you're lucky.  From what I've read its extremely contagious but only to certain skin types.  My poor child was cursed with my terrible skin (I've struggled with eczema my entire life) and wouldn't you know, he picked up this nasty virus somewhere. Molluscum are pearly, flesh-colored bumps that can appear anywhere on the body.  And once again, my poor child was lucky enough to develop them on his face, in two different places. Our pediatrician recommended we leave it be and said it would likely go away on its own sometime between 6 months and 4 years... WHAAAATTT??!!  FOUR years?! No way Jose.  Did I mention they're contagious?  The last thing I wanted was for these puppies to spread (some people report hundreds of bumps over areas of the body).  So I set out to do some research, I learned about different medications but read some treatments could be painful, others left scarring, and some doctors even freeze them off like warts - ouch!

So I turned to a more natural approach, how could I get rid of this stuff without harsh chemicals?  I found an article recommending the Apple Cider Vinegar treatment (we'll abbreviate from this point on - ACV) I spoke to the woman who posted the article over a couple of days and she assured me it was safe, sent pictures of her daughter, and coached me through the process.... here goes nothing!

Step 1:  Take a teeny-tiny piece of a cotton ball and soak it in ACV
Step 2:  Place over the icky bump and cover with a small circular band aid (***My super sensitive-skinned-kid is apparently allergic to the adhesive on the band aid so we had to use hypo allergenic tape and a tiny square of gauze)
Step 3:  Leave on over night, repeat again in the morning.  Continue to do this until the bump blisters and turns black - I'll warn you, it's NOT pretty!  This is when I got super nervous and began communicating with my molluscum mentor for reassurance, she assured me all was completely normal.

NOW its time for the important part - heal this huge, angry, ugly red bump... and quickly!

This is where our "Magic Potion" comes in to save the day.  Magic potion is simply coconut oil mixed with Lavender Essential Oil. The CO and Lavender EO were a game changer.  This combination not only healed the AWFUL rash caused by the band aid adhesive but significantly sped up the healing of the molluscum blister.  Be sure to apply the Magic Potion several times throughout the day.  Here are some pictures of our progress over ONE WEEK... and finally, where we are a couple of months later.  Note that there is some SLIGHT scarring but I'm confident these will fade with time.

This is what the molluscum looked like prior to treatment... not TOO bad but trust me, its annoying!
One more close up
Day one of treatment... all covered up!
After 2 days of ACV, this is what the molluscum bump looked like... eek! 

Day 3... HUGE difference!

Day 5... Looking good!
And this is what it looks like now, a couple months later!

Suffer from these pesky bumps?  Tired of people staring?  Follow the link below to order from Young Living. If you've thought about giving Essential Oils a try, the Premium Started Kit is the best bang for your buck! By becoming a wholesaler through Young Living you get discounted products and there are NO monthly/annual purchase requirements. Please let me know what questions you have!! REFERENCE MEMBER & SPONSOR ID: 2260821

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

From the beginning...

I'll start by getting the formalities out of the way... My name is Marie and I'm a Wife, Mom, Sister, Daughter and Friend. I should disclose that I have major challenges finding a good work/life balance, as a result I become stressed and anxious easily.

I've recently discovered a passion for healthier living and slowly eliminating the use of toxic chemicals in our home. My goal is to share different ways my family uses essential oils in our everyday lives - hence the name, Everyday Oiler :) Each week I plan to share a new recipe, my personal review of a new oil, or simply new stuff I am dying to try! So here's how I got started... My friend Chelsea and her family began using essential oils several years ago and invited me to their home to learn a little about them. It all sounded so interesting and I really liked the idea of using essential oils but it was overwhelming to me. I bought a bottle of lavender EO (remember that, EO = Essential Oil) and it sat on the counter in my bathroom for a looonnngg time. I literally just looked at it... and looked at it some more. Fast forward a couple of years - Our son was born in July of 2013 and I had been home with him for a few weeks on maternity leave. (I promise, this isn't going to be one of those "I'm a mom now - everything has to be all natural" things... not yet anyway.)

Our dogs were in the bedroom playing just a little too rough when my boxer, Dakota, hurt her neck. She wouldn't lay down, couldn't turn her head, and could hardly move. I immediately rushed her to our vet who recommended a combination of 3 different oils massaged into her neck/spine several times a day. He told us this would likely be something she'd deal with for the rest of her life. Wouldn't you know, he was right. Here's what the vet recommended:

What you'll need:
* 1 drop Peppermint Oil
* 1 drop Copaiba Oil
* Deep Relief

Roll a small amount of Deep Relief into palm of your hand, add Peppermint & Copaiba Oil and rub your hands in circular motion. Very slowly, begin massaging at the neck and work downward to the tail. Afterward, allow the dog to breathe in the oils by placing your hands in front of the nose. Repeat this process every couple of hours.

 **BONUS** You'll smell like a delicious candy cane! This process is not JUST for dogs, it works well on humans too!

Suffer from sore muscles or joints from an injury?  Want to try this process for yourself?  Follow the link below to order from Young Living. If you've thought about giving Essential Oils a try, the Premium Started Kit is the best bang for your buck! By becoming a wholesaler through Young Living you get discounted products and there are NO monthly/annual purchase requirements. Please let me know what questions you have!! REFERENCE MEMBER & SPONSOR ID: 2260821